Bi-Metal Lug 120mm2-LPB

Item Number: BL120LPB
Packaging Unit: 1 / each
  • Manufactured using friction welding process producing a very strong electrically sound joint
  • Compound reduces of contact resistance and inhibits corrosion
  • Crimp from palm end to force compound into conductor strands
  • Suitable for CCT cable installations
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Product Description

Bi-Metal Long Palm Long Barrel Lug

Designed for CCT (Covered Conductor Thick) conductors, the CABAC range of Bi-Metal Long Palm Long Barrel Lugs are stocked in in an unfinished palm length ready to be cropped and drilled to individual requirements.

The lugs feature a longer barrel length to incorporate an additional crimping position, a necessary requirement where longer palms are utilised. A range of options are available for the placing of holes in the lug palm from 1 to 3 with the palm length variable in length to suit the application.

Made from the highest quality aluminium (99.6%) and copper (99.9%), the lugs are joined using a friction welded process, producing a very strong electrically sound joint, which will not be subject to electrolysis. The barrels are chemically treated to reduce contact resistance and corrosion. They are filled with a jointing compound, which breaks the oxide layers on the aluminium.

The lugs are made to Australian dimensions and can be crimped with standard Australian tooling.

CCT Conductor Defined
CCT Conductor is an aluminium stranded overhead conductor, with a grey bonded polyethylene covering. It is filled with a water blocking compound to restrict passage of water along the conductor between the strands if the outer covering is damaged. The water blocking minimises corrosion and maximises service life. The main advantage of CCT conductor is that it minimises flashover of conductors, and allows a reduction in the conductor spacing. This decreases the vegetation clearance space, and enhances the visual aspect of the line. Flashovers caused by wildlife, in particular possums, are reduced to a minimum. CCT is becoming a standard conductor system with many authorities.

CCT conductors have differing cross sections from normal conductors with nominal cross sections of 40, 80 and 180mm2.

Standards and Compliance

AS/NZS4325 Part 1; IEC France; DIN/VDE Germany; JIS Japan; BS United Kingdom

Technical Data

Nominal Conductor (mm2): 120

Conductive Material
Aluminium Sleeve 99.6% pure
Copper Palm 99.9% pure
Tensile Strength 110 MPa
Ductile Rating 28%
Final Metal State Fully Annealed inc. joint
Joining Method Friction Welding (IEC std)

Operating temperature
-40 to 100 deg C

Electrical Properties
Resistivity 2.6 micro-ohm cm (max): aluminium
1.738 micro-ohm cm: copper
Conductivity 61.8% IACS (min): aluminium
99.7% IACS: copper

Stud Size (mm): Blank
Cable Size (mm2): 120
Lugs and Links - Material: Bi-Metal
Lug Type: Long Palm Long Barrel
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